How do we imagine the future in our cities?
What role do we choose for nature to play in our neighbourhoods?
The European GreenInCities programme focuses on the need to give value and space to nature in our cities through renaturalization processes. The promotion of greenery and nature in cities starts with the recognition of the interdependence of people and nature and the need for the whole ecosystem (people, animals, plants) to be in balance.
GreenInCities, with a focus on the realisation of the European vision for climate-neutral cities by 2030, brings innovation through the reclamation of the natural element. The climate crisis, pollution, the burden on the health of human and non-human beings and the disruption of local ecosystems form the basis of the interventions to be implemented in 11 European cities.
Among the 11 European cities participating in the programme are 5 Leader Cities: Athens (Greece), Barcelona (Spain), Helsinki (Finland), Prato (Italy), Nova Gorica (Slovenia), and 6 Follower cities: Birstonas (Lithuania), Cork (Ireland), Hersonissos (Greece), Matuzenios (Portugal), Pecs (Hungary) and Reykjavik (Iceland).
The main objective of the project is to raise environmental awareness among the residents of these cities and to develop a new sustainable approach to the reintegration of the natural element in cities in a way that promotes the coexistence of human and non-human beings. This will be achieved through participatory processes with the direct involvement of communities and in particular more vulnerable social groups most affected by the consequences of climate change (e.g. children, older people, women, etc.). The interventions to be implemented under GreenInCities are Nature based Solutions, inspired by and following the principles of the New European Bauhaus (sustainability, inclusion, beauty) and the European Green Deal.
As part of the implementation of GreenInCities, the following are to be done:
- surveys and data collection on the flora and fauna of selected study areas in the 11 cities,
- studies on the gender impact of the environmental crisis and environmental ethics issues, participatory workshops to develop proposals for selected green spaces in each city, and
- spatial interventions in the 11 cities, which will aim to reintegrate and enhance natural elements within the urban environment.
URBANA is responsible for the creation of the GreenInCities Ethics and Values Handbook (D1.7 Values and Ethics Handbook), which is to act as a custodian of the vision of the project as all its phases are implemented in the 11 cities of the 30 partner organisations. It is then to create the D7.4 Inclusion Plan (D7.4 Inclusion Plan), which is to be a tool for implementing inclusive practices in all phases of the programme. In order to do this, workshops will be implemented with the 11 cities and the programme’s partner agencies to inform, educate and raise awareness of all stakeholders on the themes related to inclusion in relation to the environment.
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Horizon EU programme funded under the EU Cities Mission (GA ID: 101139730)
Period: January 2024 – December 2027
In collaboration with: 11 European cities and 19 partners
GreenInCities is a Horizon Europe research and innovation funding project by the EU, under the Call: HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-CITIES-01-01 (Research and Innovation actions to support the implementation of the Climate Mission), Urban greening and re-naturing for urban regeneration, resilience and climate neutrality.